Thrive Beyond 35

For the Midlife Woman Who Wants More than the Standard of Care!

Tell Me More

Are you ready to take the guesswork out of optimizing your hormones, mood, energy, and weight?

This personalized 6-month package will help you understand your hormones, become your own health advocate, and feel better than ever—without more meds or doctor visits!

Feeling good shouldn't end just because you're a certain age!

Age is just a number, and it should never be a barrier to feeling fantastic. Life doesn't stop at 35, 45, or even 55! In fact, it's a time to thrive, to embrace the wisdom and experiences you've gained, and to feel better than ever.

I firmly believe that your journey to feeling good shouldn't have an expiration date. Break free from the misconceptions that feeling your best is reserved for the younger crowd. Your well-being knows no age limit, and we're here to prove it. Join me in rewriting the rules of midlife and let your vitality shine through, because your journey to feeling amazing is just beginning!

let me show you how to make midlife years more than just surviving symptoms!

Are you tired of not feeling like yourself?

I was right where you are.

I see you, Friend!

Have you been told there's nothing you can do about this inevitable time in your life? Or maybe to just ride out the symptoms

Do low mood or feelings of mental or physical exhaustion threaten to ruin some of your closest relationships?​

You are tired of having out of control emotions, anxiety, and brain fog that comes out of nowhere only to ruin a perfectly wonderful day?

Your libido has tanked and it's negatively impacting your marriage? Or you're constantly in tears over your appearance?

Are you frustrated with weight gain or an inability to drop excess weight as easily as you could in the past? Even though you haven't changed anything in your diet?

here's the good news:

It's possible, and truly simple, to restore your health.

I’m a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Certified Midlife Hormone Specialist (CMS), and Licensed Physical Therapist (MSPT).

I am also 50 years old and postmenopausal.

I wasn’t prepared for the crazy changes that hit me in my 40s (which I now realize started in my 30s!). I thought it would be different for me because I was “healthy” and did all the right things. I had worked in direct medical care for 25 years and assumed I could just get answers from my OB/GYN—but nope! 

So I dove into the research myself, learned about functional testing, dialed in my nutrition, and even became certified as a midlife hormone specialist. Now I can honestly say I feel better at almost 50 than I did in my 30s. 

I’m here to tell you that you can too!

If you are a woman over 35 who wants more than the standard of care, I am passionate about helping you understand your options (including HRT), become your own health advocate, improve your hormone health, and thrive through this phase of life. 

Hi! I'm Marci

Have we met?

Beyond 35

This is a comprehensive package with lab-based testing, detailed personal health assessments, and individualized guidance, one-on-one contact that fully analyzes and addresses YOUR unique needs. 


Sign Me Up! I Need This!

This package includes a total of SEVEN private consultations to deeply analyze and address your unique hormonal picture. These consults include a Welcome Call for onboarding, a deep dive comprehensive nutrition & lifestyle assessment, a review of lab results, a personal protocol that covers lifestyle modifications and targeted nutritional supplements, and education on hormone replacement therapy (if desired). 

The Details ~

Here's What's Included

1:1 Consults

This package includes a total of SEVEN private consultations to deeply analyze and address your unique hormonal picture. These consults include a Welcome Call for onboarding, a deep dive comprehensive nutrition & lifestyle assessment, a review of lab results, a personal protocol that covers lifestyle modifications and targeted nutritional supplements, and education on hormone replacement therapy (if desired). 

Functional Medicine Testing

You are not alone on this wild ride of midlife! Thrive Beyond 35 includes group calls with other women navigating a similar journey. You’ll have a chance to ask questions, learn from others, and get support, motivation, and accountability. Some women are hesitant to join group calls at first but then discover this is their favorite part!

Group Coaching Calls

If you want to truly become your own health advocate, knowledge is power. The Thrive Beyond 35 online portal includes recorded trainings on everything from understanding your hormones to gut health, metabolism, the ins and outs (and nuances) of hormone replacement therapy, and so much more!

Online Learning Portal

Tapping into 25+ years of experience in physical therapy, this course will strengthen your core & pelvic floor (good-bye leakage, prolapse, & painful sex!)

core + Pelvic floor method

6 months of private chat support with Marci through a HIPAA-protected client portal. Get your burning questions answered fast!




Your physical & mental health are waiting...
are you ready to take the next step?

I'm Ready! Let's do it!

Sign me up! I need this!

  • You believe in science but also want a holistic approach
  • You value tangible data and testing to understand your body
  • You know quick fixes are only temporary and want a sustainable plan
  • You believe you know best when it comes to your body but also need reliable guidance
  • You appreciate conventional medicine but want more than the standard of care
  • You want to be proactive with your health and realize now is the time to start


This is not just another “hormone health” program…

Unlike other programs, Thrive Beyond 35 brings together my expertise in nutrition, functional lab testing, and midlife hormones as well as my 25+ years of experience in physical therapy—which means we optimize hormone health from the inside out AND strengthen the core and pelvic floor from the privacy of your own home. 

Not only that, but this is one of the only programs of its type that will also educate you on the ins and outs of HRT (completely unbiased because I am not prescribing or selling it!) so that you can make truly informed and empowered decisions as you navigate midlife.  

Your Ability to Thrive Beyond 35 is Waiting…


Nobody escapes the hormonal decline at midlife. Even if you don’t have typical symptoms like hot flashes or weight gain, you will escape the perils of menopause. Why else would osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and dementia escalate after estradiol and progesterone decline?

This package will help you dial in your diet, improve your metabolic health, optimize your liver and gut function, build muscle, learn the ins and outs of HRT, and optimize your health through this phase of life. 

book a call to get started

This is online so that you can get all the results without the hassle of going to more doctor visits! All private consultations and group coaching calls will be conducted via Zoom.

Q: Is this in person or online?

Marci is a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Certified Midlife Hormone Specialist (CMS), and Licensed Physical Therapist (PT) with 25+ years of experience in direct medical care.

To provide you with the most comprehensive care, Marci consults with an internal medicine physician (D.O.) for advanced lab ordering and analysis. You are truly getting the best of both worlds—with conventional analysis and holistic recommendations.

Q: What are Marci’s credentials?

No. Marci is not licensed to prescribe medications. Her professional training allows her to educate on hormone replacement therapy pros and cons so that you can make informed and empowered choices. She can also refer you to qualified HRT providers if you so choose. 

Q: Can Marci prescribe HRT?

Q: How will I get my tests run?

The DUTCH Test (urine metabolites of some hormones) and GI-MAP (stool) are test kits that will be mailed to you. You will collect the samples and home and mail them directly. If conventional blood tests are ordered, you will receive a request that you can take to a local lab.

No problem. HRT is extremely beneficial for many women but not for everyone. Your body is yours and you are the one who needs to decide what is best for you. If you choose to use HRT, this will prepare your body for that. If you do not want to do HRT, this will strengthen your body and provide alternative options to help you feel your best through this phase of life.

Q: What if I don’t want to do HRT?

Q: Will I have to follow a crazy diet?

Nope. Dialing in your diet is an important part of improving your hormonal health and something that will be personalized to your preferences and goals. 

Q: How do I get started?

The first step is a no-obligation call to get your questions answered, make sure you’re a good fit, and get you signed up!

Thrive Beyond 35

i'm so ready!

It’s time to regain your mojo—down there and everywhere!